Saturday, March 31, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Casting Crowns

I was visting with a friend yesterday and we started talking about Bible Studies. I figured she had started "Daniel" by Beth Moore because she had said that they would probably do another Beth Moore study after their last one finished.
I found out they are doing "Life Stories" by Mark Hall, the lead singer of Casting Crowns. It is a book he wrote about the inspirational life stories behind the songs on the albums. Well, you know I want to be a part of that!! I am excited to start it next Monday. I bought the book today, I don't think I will have any trouble catching up with them.
Spring Break Fun!
Last week was Spring Break for the kids. I took them on two day trips and then they spent some time with their grandparents in Kansas for a couple of days.
On Monday, we went over to Nana and Papas for lunch and spent some time around the house.
On Tuesday, we went to Jasmine Moran's Children's Museum. It is about a two hour drive. I had developed a pretty bad sinus infection so I told that kids that at the first sign of bickering, I would turn around and go home. They were awesome! Not one little feud. They have a new train there (for us) and we decided to ride on it. Well, the first curve and it derailed! AGGHH! I do not have good luck with trains (ask me about the Christmas Train some time!)
The kids had a blast none the less!
On Wednesday, we went to Woolaroc which is an hour away from us. We invited Papa, Nana, Uncle Mike and Aunt Teresa and the cousins. We love that museum. It is in such a pretty area, the drive is a treat in itself. Once you enter Woolaroc, you have a 2 mile drive through fields with deer, buffalo, emu, etc. We had a great time and went to eat at Charlie's Chicken afterwards. Charlie's is one of Joshua's favorite restuarants. It has great bread, a prerequisite for any restaurant that Joshua likes. The boy loves his bread!!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Quote of the week
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
My favorite Bible verse. This verse helped get me through our trial of infertility. It gave me hope. As always, it was true. God had greater plans for me than I could have ever envisioned. God is Good!
I found this awesome candle with the verse on it. I keep it on my mantle to remind me that God is in control and He has Great things in mind for my life!
Elephant Bar
Joshua loves Elephants!! His favorite restaurant is the Elephant Bar. We went there Tuesday then on to Toys R US for the kids to pick out their toy for donating to the Just Between Friends sale. We finished the night at Cold Stone Creamery. What a fun night for all!
Soccer has begun once again. I use to be excited for the games to begin but I am now only frustrated.
Poor Joshua is losing interest and rightly so. Every season he has had a brand new coach. Most seasons, he has had a team of mainly brand new players. It is frustrating to have to watch his team struggle every year due to poor team assigments. It is not fair to him to have to learn the same basic skills over and over. To be on a team that gets beat time and time again.
He had his first game Saturday. He played his heart out and scored a goal!!! The score was 16 to 1. I will let you take a stab at if we won or not...
I admire his will to get out there and play with all his heart time and time again! Please pray that these kids are quick learners :). All for fun, All for fun, that is what I keep telling myself!

AHHH!! Rob and Amber lost Amazing Race. I absolutely get a kick out of them. They are so smart yet so sneaky when it comes to Amazing Race.
First David and Mary lose-- I didn't really see them getting far but they are so sweet.
Then Rob and Amber go from coming in first three races in a row to dead last and out of the game. Goes to show that anything can happen.
My cheering will now continue for Uchenna and Joyce. Even though they have won before , I feel for them. Infertility costs a lot of money!!
Friday, March 09, 2007
Delaney was in the circus at her school. She was a Prancing Pony... you know she was excited about that. This is our 5th and last time to see the school's performance. Delaney said beforehand that she was going to be shy on stage. She did great!!
Daddy and Joshua missed it as Joshua was in the bathroom with stomach cramps. Thank goodness for video so Daddy and brother could see it later.
Daddy and Joshua missed it as Joshua was in the bathroom with stomach cramps. Thank goodness for video so Daddy and brother could see it later.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
From Wolf to Bear
Saturday, March 03, 2007

My dear friend and co-worker is getting to travel to Korea to escort a baby home for Dillon International. She is taking her teenage daugther with her. They are going to have a blast!! They have never been to Korea.
I absolutely LOVE Korea. I love the culture and the people.
I am also on the list for Dillon as one of their International travelers. I can't wait until it is my turn! Not only do I get to visit my daughter's awesome birthland but get to bring a baby home to their forever family.
How awesome is that!!
Poor Joshua finally succumbed to the stomach virus. It is running rampant right now. He stayed home sick yesterday. Luckily, he is feeling much better today. Let the sibling rivalry and bickering begin...
Busy, Busy!

Wow, life has been busy.
The Hospital has been busy and staff has been low, so I have been working all my weekend hours plus on a rare occassion- picking up some extra.
My dossier job is really starting to pick up. There are about 50 families in the pipeline for the Vietnam program and their dossiers are really starting to come in for processing.
Camp meetings for both Eastern European and Korea camp are going on as well.
Add in: On-call for PICC placements at the hospital(although I haven't been able to make it in lately), MOPS, Gymnastics, church, etc.
I am not complaining as my life is full and happy, but if I lapse on this blog a bit-- you will understand.
Friday, March 02, 2007
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