I am trying to teach the kids the value of giving their time and money to others in need. Not an easy lesson to teach in this age of give me, give me, give me.
We went to The Hospitality House of Tulsa and helped decorate the units for Christmas. The Hospitality House provides free housing for families that have sick relatives in Hillcrest Medical Center. The families are usually from out of town and have no place (unless they pay hundreds a night for a hotel room)to stay. They are also within walking distance to the hospital. A lady from our church founded it and our church helps out when we can.
We also went and bought items for the Shoebox Ministry. We filled two boxes (one boy and one girl ages 5-9)for children overseas that will not get a lot for Christmas without donations. We made sure that the kids did not buy anything for themselves during our shopping trips for the gifts. It was all about buying for someone else. We prayed over the box, wrote notes, sent pictures and dropped it off at the church this morning. It was nice to see all the boxes piled high on the table this morning.
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