Monday, September 19, 2005

What a Busy Life!

It is unbelieveable how busy life gets once school starts. We are busy most evenings and then we are busy on weekend mornings before I go to work as well.

I would love life to slow down enough for us to actually get to sit back and enjoy it. To take time to actually get a view of the true blessings we experience would be so nice.

Joshua is now wanting to do another activity during the week. He already has Tae Kwon Do on Monday and Wednesday. He has soccer on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. He is wanting to drop a day of TKD in order to go to AWANAS at church. It is such a worthwhile and fun group that I hate to say no. I guess we will just stay busy for awhile.

Delaney is not in any evening events yet. What happens when you have more than one kid in multiple events? Do you ever get to see your whole family together ever again?????

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