Today was our first "snow" day. We don't get many in Oklahoma. Basically when it is sleeting or snowing, the town shuts down. We just don't have the equipment or manpower to take care of icy roads.
The kids were excited to have a day off.
The problem is: we have ice not snow! It has been sleeting for the last 24 hours. We are suppose to get snow later today. We may get 4-8inches which is a lot for us. Areas of Oklahoma are actually having BLIZZARD warnings? Wow, that is basically unheard of.
The Christmas parade on Saturday has already been cancelled. Yeah, We are basically wimps here when it comes to cold weather.
The kids are so excited and have played outside a little but it doesn't make for good snowmen or snow angels. They so want to play in it but the pelting sleet makes for a very cold and somewhat painful play time.
We had friends from the neighborhood over earlier to get rid of some of the boredom.
As for me, I am enjoying a relaxing day inside without a place to go.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Trimming the Tree

We bought a new tree for this year. When we saw it, we knew that it was the tree that we wanted. It has the larger bulbs on it, Joshua really liked it.
Last night we put it up and the kids decorated it. They were so excited and had a lot of fun.
I am not sure how many times, Delaney asked, "Is it Christmas?" and I explained that it wasn't yet.
This morning, Delaney ran in to my room saying, "Momma, you tricked me! We put up the tree and Santa didn't come."
She is so excited this year for Christmas, but she doesn't quite get the concept yet. Maybe she thought if we "Built it, they would come".
Quote of the week
Friday, November 24, 2006
Soccer Fall 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
This time of year is obviously a good time to reflect on all the things we are greatful about. I can honestly say, this has been the best season of my life. I am very content and want for nothing. I am blessed with my family and friends.
Flash back two years ago, I went through the worst season of my life. I was literally close to an emotional breakdown. There was no specific situation causing the stress in my life, but I was enduring a season of turmoil both mentally and physically. After counseling, medication and choosing to work on myself and my coping/ spiritual skills, I begin to heal and find peace.
I am much healthier and happier which in turn makes my family healthier and happier.
I have two dear friends that are now going through their own worst seasons of life. I pray that the season passes quickly for them. Let there be peace and healing in their lives so they once again can be in a great season of their lives. They are in my thoughts and prayers.
Flash back two years ago, I went through the worst season of my life. I was literally close to an emotional breakdown. There was no specific situation causing the stress in my life, but I was enduring a season of turmoil both mentally and physically. After counseling, medication and choosing to work on myself and my coping/ spiritual skills, I begin to heal and find peace.
I am much healthier and happier which in turn makes my family healthier and happier.
I have two dear friends that are now going through their own worst seasons of life. I pray that the season passes quickly for them. Let there be peace and healing in their lives so they once again can be in a great season of their lives. They are in my thoughts and prayers.
Thursday Night Out

I met a few friends for dinner last night at Los Cabos. Great food and great conversation= Great night.
Paul took the kids out to McDonald's and then to see Flushed Away. Quality time with ones children = priceless!
My blog posts have been pretty sporadic. You can usually tell when I have a relaxing morning off, usually Fridays.
I have been busy with life in general. Life tends to stretch one pretty thin if you allow it.
I am not only working at the hospital on the weekends, and Dillon work at home during the week but I am also learning to place PICC lines in patients. I am basically on call throughout the day to go in for training. I am only two PICC placements away from being certified to place them by myself.
These appear to be the wave of the future as far as IVs, especially in long term therapies.
In addition to work related business, we have after school activities, church activities and holiday activities. Of course there is also family and friend time.
I am not complaining as I know I am very blessed with family, friends and work. I do find it difficult sometimes to get in time to blog as well. Be patient, a post will appear but usually not daily.
I have been busy with life in general. Life tends to stretch one pretty thin if you allow it.
I am not only working at the hospital on the weekends, and Dillon work at home during the week but I am also learning to place PICC lines in patients. I am basically on call throughout the day to go in for training. I am only two PICC placements away from being certified to place them by myself.
These appear to be the wave of the future as far as IVs, especially in long term therapies.
In addition to work related business, we have after school activities, church activities and holiday activities. Of course there is also family and friend time.
I am not complaining as I know I am very blessed with family, friends and work. I do find it difficult sometimes to get in time to blog as well. Be patient, a post will appear but usually not daily.

Once summer hit, I was no longer able to work in the office.
I no longer had an excuse not to attend. It really didn't interest me. Why would I want to go there when I was able to go home and get some things done without the kids around? I decided that I owed her to at least try it. If I didn't like it, then I could say, "I gave it a chance, it is not for me."
I went to the my first meeting, nothing ventured - nothing gained! Well, I loved it!!
We have a great breakfast, do fun crafts, have spiritual discussions and videos and get to fellowship! If you have a group in your area, I encourage you to try it out. You can check to see if there is one in your area by checking out MOPS
Thanks Brandi!
Grow Conference

I attend the Grow conference last Friday. It was a conference about how people grow spiritually. It was presented by Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend.
Cloud and Townsend are the authors of the book that has changed my life, "Boundaries" and other great books such as "Who's Pushing Your Buttons".
Our Life Support groups and Sunday school at my church Arrow Heights Baptist Church
These studies have truly changed my life and have made me a much happier and healthier person. I highly recommend their books.
Thanksgiving Feast

It was Thanksgiving feast day at Delaney's school. The 4 year olds sang 6 songs for us.
The day before Delaney made pumpkin bread for her teachers. We attached a photo with the bread wishing them a Happy Thanksgiving. My group leader at MOPS suggested the gifts for Thanksgiving to me. She had a point when she said that the teachers get bombarded at Christmas with gifts, but not Thanksgiving. We are very thankful for the great teachers our children have. Joshua will make his bread next week. Delaney is out for Thanksgiving break as of yesterday. Joshua's last day is next Tuesday.
Photo For Friday
Monday, November 13, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
What If?

I have a couple of friends that are non-believers. We have had many debates on creationism vs. evolution.
This song really made me think. I do believe and have much comfort and hope in "erroring" on the side of believing in God and heaven.
What If?- Nichole Nordeman
What if you're right?
And he was just another nice guy
What if you're right?
What if it's true?
They say the cross will only make a fool of you
And what if it's true?
What if he takes his place in history
With all the prophets and the kings
Who taught us love and came in peace
But then the story ends
What then?
But what if you're wrong?
What if there's more?
What if there's hope you never dreamed of hoping for?
What if you jump?
And just close your eyes?
What if the arms that catch you, catch you by surprise?
What if He's more than enough?
What if it's love?
What if you dig
Way down deeper than your simple-minded friends
What if you dig?
What if you find
A thousand more unanswered questions down inside
That's all you find?
What if you pick apart the logic
And begin to poke the holes
What if the crown of thorns is no more
Than folklore that must be told and retold?
You've been running as fast as you can
You've been looking for a place you can land for so long
But what if you're wrong?
Saturday, November 04, 2006
National Adoption Month

National Adoption Month Events in Tulsa/ Broken Arrow Area
----Sunday, November 5th at 9:15 and 10:30---------
Adoption Awareness Video at Arrow Heights Baptist Church
3201 S. Elm Place (near 101st street South and 161st E. Ave)
-----Monday, November 6th at 6:00-------------------
BA Mayor Richard Carter will present a proclamation declaring Nov. 18th to be Adoption Awareness Day in Broken Arrow.
City Council Meeting, Broken Arrow City Hall
One block east of Main between Dallas and Commercial streets
------Saturday, November 18th from 5pm-8pm-----------
National Adoption Day
Arrow Heights Baptist Church, 5pm-8pm
3201 South Elm Place, Broken Arrow
All Tulsa Area Adoptive Families Invited!
Entertainment! Free Prizes! Clowns! Jupiter Jump! Games!
Potluck Supper - Bring 1 or 2 of your Favorite Dishes!
-----Sunday, November 19th 2006 @6:00 pm-----------
CONCERT @ Arrow Heights Baptist Church
3201 South Elm Place, Broken Arrow
Featuring Becky Wright
performing her award winning adoption song
"Child of My Heart"
and much more great music!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Another reason not to buy Heinz Ketchup!
John Kerry told a college crowd Monday: "You know education, if you make the most of it, and you study hard, and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."
NICE!! I am so glad that the majority of America did not want John Kerry as the president. He needs to take his own advice and study a bit harder.
We have soldiers overseas fighting for others freedoms and losing their lives and he has the nerve to insult these honorable men!
As for John and Mrs. Heinz, we do not support you.
NICE!! I am so glad that the majority of America did not want John Kerry as the president. He needs to take his own advice and study a bit harder.
We have soldiers overseas fighting for others freedoms and losing their lives and he has the nerve to insult these honorable men!
As for John and Mrs. Heinz, we do not support you.
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