Saturday, January 07, 2006

Happy New Year!

Wow, time flies when you are having fun! It has been awhile since I posted.

Well, the holidays are over and the kids are back in school. I truly enjoy the holidays and spending more time with my family. It is nice to get back to some since of normalcy and routine though that the rest of the days bring.

As I reflect back on the last year, I can truly say that 2005 was a year of many changes. It turned in to an awesome year for me. I am probably the happiest that I have ever been. I am so blessed to have an awesome husband and kids, great family and friends. I love my home, church and job. I am content in all things and desiring nothing at this point in my life.

I have started a part time/ temporary job at Dillon International (the adoption agency we used). I feel great joy being able to help out the place that helped me acheive my dreams of becoming a mother. I am helping on the filing system. It astounds me that every file there (and there are thousands) represent a child finding their forever family and a family's dream coming true.

I do have a few things that I would like to see me have more discipline in for 2006.

1. Spend more quality / alone time with my husband.
2. Play more often with the whole family.
3. Get back to my exercise regime (I have slacked off lately).
4. Lose about 10 pounds. (Consequence of getting behind on #3).
5. Eat healthier (see #4).

I hope every one had an awesome New Year! Here's to the year of 2006!

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