Today was Joshua's 7th birthday. It is so hard to believe that my baby boy is already seven. He has changed so much this year and also grown so much this year.
My Dad and Mom bought him glasses for his birthday. They also gave him my mother's old guitar. He has been asking for one. He received it last night after a special night out with them. This morning I woke up to him on his karoake saying, "Joshua Gottes! and then he played his guitar into the microphone. He has really been studying the sounds that he can make with the guitar. It would not surprise me one bit if he comes up with a song by himself. He has been very intense with playing it.
We took him to El Chico after church today. He enjoyed that. When we got home he opened his gift from us, the King Tut clock. He has been wanting for a couple of years now.
We had also agreed to paint his room for him. He was wanting murals of Egyptian scenes. Paul came up with a better plan. Offer Joshua the choice of a sarcophagus he has been wanting or get his room painted. As you can see, Joshua chose the sarcophagus. I guess we got out of the chore of painting :).
I know, not typical presents for a 7 year old, but then again Joshua doesn't seem to be the typical kid.
He gets to take cupcakes to school tomorrow for a mini party.
He gets his "kid" party with friends on Thursday. Lots of celebrating!
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Joshua!!!
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