Since I have been off work, I have been able to go on some of the Cub Scout outings with Joshua.
We went to the Police station a couple of weeks ago. I think it was an eye opener for the boys. I am not sure what they had in mind when you said "jail" but now they are fully aware that it is not a place that you want to be.
They took particular interest in the "Drunk Tank". They saw that you sleep on hard beds, go to the bathroom in public and if you get sick then you have to throw up in a grated "hole" in the floor. They did not think that it would be too cool.
They also saw a man in a holding cell.
The police station had a display of homemade contraband. Very interesting, but very scary considering how just about anything can be made into a weapon.
They also learned that a child could be arrested once they turned 8 years old. The officer said that his youngest arrest was a 10 year old. Thankfully, he didn't share the offense with them.
I was surprised to see that we have a 911 call center at our local police station. What an overwhelming job. The 911 screen was full of calls at the time we were there.
Many lessons were learned.
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